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How to build a web application using Flask and deploy it to the cloud

Learn Flask development and learn to build cool apps with our premium Python course on Udemy. However, if you haven’t already added Python to your web development skillset, let’s take a look at how you can get started. Django supports ORM, allowing complex queries to be written easily. Flask developers will unfortunately have to write all of their own SQL statements by themselves, which can add a lot of extra work. So many advantages of learning and using Python for web development. When it comes to developing a web app in Python, there’s a whole host of options available, but up there at the top of the list are Django and Flask.

We are creating an instance of the Flask class and calling it app. The preceding code tells pip to read all the packages listed in requirements.txt and install them. Package X relies on package Y, which in turn relies on Z and Q. None of this information was listed on package X’s website, but these packages need to be installed for X to work at all. You then have to find all of the packages one by one and install them, and then hope that the packages you are installing don’t require any extra packages themselves. With Git, you can actually delete your commits, but this is considered a really bad practice. Note that the revert command did not delete our merge, but created a new commit with the reverted changes.

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Jack Stouffer is a programmer who has several years of experience in designing web applications. He switched to Flask three years ago for all his projects. He currently works for Apollo America in Auburn Hills, Michigan, and writes internal business tools and software using Python, Flask, and JavaScript. Jack is a believer and supporter of open source technology. Flask CLI, uses the click library from the creator of Flask itself. It was designed to be easily extensible so that the Flask extensions can extend it and implement new commands that are available when you use them.

flask web dev

Are you looking for ways to complete the development of your web apps and websites using the Flask framework? Or contemplating migration from the old platform to leverage the benefits of the Flask framework? The Flask micro-framework is economical and provides the flexibility to develop web apps and websites rich in functionalities. Moreover, you’ll be at peace knowing your challenge has lessened through our intervention using our web development team and resources. With this hands-on book, you’ll learn Flask from the ground up by developing a complete social blogging application step-by-step. Flask is a micro-framework for python while Django is a high-level python web framework. Both are open source platforms, flask is used for small applications as compared to Django.

Deleting a Post

Developers and contributors are regularly working to keep the Django up to date. Django follows design patterns and principles to reuse and maintain the code. The main principle of ‘Don’t Repeat Yourself’ ensures there are no duplications. Since Django is a component-based framework, each layer is independent of the other, which makes the application scalable at any level. Flask is undoubtedly one of the best frameworks for smaller projects with a limited and well-defined scope and all types of one-offs. As a framework that prioritizes development speed, it allows businesses to launch their products significantly faster than with other technologies. At the same time, it still offers extensive customization and room for expansion if it’s needed.

We focused mainly on the fundamentals in Part I and skimmed through Parts II and III. Our next goal is to build a mini blog engine using Flask for kicks and then spend more time on building Flask web applications using the “Large Application Structure” introduced in Chapter 7. Being an ASP.NET MVC .NET Developer, I couldn’t help but compare Flask to ASP.NET MVC throughout the book. ASP.NET MVC is a very unopinionated python web development using flask web framework and so is Flask. Flask helps you handle HTTP Request and Responses by helping you map Routes to View Functions and display results, but the model, database, and ‘guts’ of the web application are up to you. This is similar to ASP.NET MVC where the framework provides a controller and a view templating engine, Razor, but leaves the developer to decide the model, database, and other details.

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